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An increase in construction volumes by 300% in 2022-2023 – Beka Khoperia set a specific, measurable goal for the development of “Apart Development”.
Several short films and films–making films on him, photography, and details of life in Tbilisi, seen with his own eyes – Beka Khoperia firmly believes that his long-standing hobbies help in business today. After taking business seriously, he took several international management courses and is confident that this knowledge greatly contributes to both the definition of a team management strategy and the development of projects.
Beka Khoperia is the founder of the company “Apart Development”. The company first appeared on the market in 2019 and was directly faced with the pandemic. By the way, it was quite successful: this year, the business of Beka Khoperia gained the status of a leader, which the founder associates with effective adaptation to covid regulations and, ultimately, the transformation of pandemic challenges into opportunities.
As I understood from a conversation with the founder of Apart Development, business is quite demanding of his time: he is almost always the first to go to work, receives reports on current matters, and personally attends business meetings. Focusing on the details is necessary for him and, as he believes, for the work. However, he also has his own ways of getting rid of the stress caused by work — sometimes he takes all four children with him to increase his motivation; Sometimes he travels because the architecture of the countries is different, and inspiration and new ideas sometimes come from sharing the experience of another country. However, as he reveals to Forbes, he cannot stay out of work for long and almost always returns home quickly.
In 2022-2023, the Apart Development team is planning to increase construction volumes by 300%. The primary and, as Beka Khoperia says, healthy ambition is to give new life to old Tbilisi: Tbilisi should develop urbanistically, and the client should receive high–quality service focused on his wishes and needs. Apart Development sees its role in the local market not only in creating a quality product but also in setting this standard in the Georgian market.
Why and when did you decide it’s time to start your own business?
I tried to be financially independent from an early age: I touched on many areas: I handed out leaflets, and it doesn’t bother me at all, because I believe that before rising to a high level, you need to go through everything – difficulties, cold, physical labor… Money is earned only by labor. The fact that today I am the head of my own successful company is also the result of lots of risks, and it was the experience that gave me this courage.
Risk is important, but you’ve probably also thought about what it takes to make your business work, right?
There was definitely demand in the market, and businesses knew this, but since it is ten times more difficult to develop the construction sector in old Tbilisi, and this includes many restrictions, it was probably difficult to risk for them. I think we found the right and free niche, adequately adapted the projects to the existing reality, and the result paid off: we are convinced of this day by day, because we managed to satisfy a fairly large demand, and this process does not end. My love for Tbilisi and the desire to make at least a small contribution to its urban planning and the preservation of Tbilisi traditions – this is the main motivation for why I came to the construction and development business.
To be more specific: What is the mission of your business?
The mission of each business is financial gain, but it is also important for us to produce high–quality construction focused on the comfort of customers, taking into account their desires and needs. At the same time, we must contribute to the development of the city and the renewal of Old Tbilisi. I also have a certain passion to rise to even higher levels of development.
We are Forbes. Let’s measure in numbers.
Our company’s financial performance has exceeded the third category and we think that next year we will boldly move into the second category.
Which manager are you – do you prefer centralized or delegated management?
In the beginning, when we started working with a very small team, I managed many functions myself, so the form of management was centralized. However, since we have grown up and many professional managers have joined our team, now all issues have been transferred to the relevant departments and all issues are delegated there. In addition, to this day I remain an ordinary member of the team and I am happy to solve various issues
At what point would you say (or say) that your business is successful?
The success of our business is evidenced by numerous satisfied customers, their recommendations, and desired financial indicators. Nevertheless, we have a desire to never stop developing and to be successful at every stage.
Then I will ask the question differently: what makes you stand out in the market?
First of all, I will note once again the unique location of Old Tbilisi for new buildings, which means a stunning view of the whole of Tbilisi. In addition to the highest quality of construction and remote maintenance, we significantly simplify the bureaucratic procedures associated with the purchase of an apartment for our foreign clients. Also, the “Old City Panorama” complex, which we are currently working on (part of it has already been completed), I personally planned to take into account my wishes and needs. I want to create all the amenities I aspire to in one space: a car wash in the parking lot, a gym, a swimming pool, hotel-type services, a club “community”/neighborhood, etc.
I am listening to you and thinking about who can be your direct competitor in the market…
To the extent that our projects are located in old Tbilisi, in fact, we have no competitors here. However, we are glad that several interesting projects have appeared in the city, and the quality of construction has improved: if we create healthy competition in business in this regard, it will only benefit every player and consumer.
Who is your client?
Our customer is a Georgian audience, for which a stunning view of Old Tbilisi and comfort in one space are important. Also, some foreigners evaluate our projects from an investment point of view, because our service does not end immediately after the sale: we have design, repair, and further rental services, which are very convenient and comfortable for people who are not physically in Georgia. They trust us and give us the management of their real estate.
Let’s talk a little more: what types of services do you combine and how well does the principle of a single space work?
As I mentioned earlier, our team is doing everything possible to make the process of buying an apartment easier for clients, especially for foreign clients. To do this, we have developed remote services, we are their representatives in the public or banking sector, and we do a preliminary financial analysis, for how long they will be able to return the benefits of their investments, what percentage of ROI will be in the case of buying a specific apartment, etc. The Apart Showroom design group is also united under our “umbrella”, which provides a full cycle of apartment planning and finishing repairs. It should also be noted that the construction process is managed by our own company Apart Construction, which guarantee of high-quality construction. Apart Architect is engaged in design.
Is the client always right?
Depending on our product, we have a special approach to customers: with each, there is a rather long and detailed process of work. It is not easy to make a decision about buying an expensive apartment, so we work out all the small details in advance: sometimes we adapt to their requirements, sometimes they follow us according to the rational solutions we have proposed, and in the end, everything is clear to both sides.
Is the client always right?
Depending on our product, we have a special approach to customers: with each, there is a rather long and detailed process of work. It is not easy to make a decision about buying an expensive apartment, so we work out all the small details in advance: sometimes we adapt to their requirements, sometimes they follow us according to the rational solutions we have proposed, and in the end, everything is clear to both sides.
What is the main task for your business today?
Perhaps, not only ours, but the task of business, in general, is to adapt to the unstable situation in the world and create an appropriate product or service. Also, a big problem is the correct determination of the price in an unstable currency.
How easy is it to find and attract professional employees in today’s market and how do you solve this problem?
Unfortunately, there is a shortage of professional personnel on the market, especially in the construction sector. There is a large outflow from the country. However, at this stage, we have coped and we have a really reliable and professional team, both in management and in construction. In general, my desire and goal are to hire local staff, although foreign experience is also important, so we often seek advice from foreign specialists.
What key skills are you looking for in employees?
Professionalism, responsibility, logical thinking, and, most importantly, reliability. They say that I am a good leader, although I know the peculiarities of my character, which is probably not easy for my employees, so I would like to thank them for their loyalty and support
Is it easy to do business in Georgia?
An entrepreneur is a person who is internally free and confident in his abilities, not afraid of difficulties, and takes risks for the sake of his own hope. I believe that one should be born like this and then there is nothing complicated.
By the way, it’s interesting: have you invested your own capital in your business or applied to banks? And do you cooperate with international financial organizations?
You may be surprised, but I started the first project with a small amount of borrowed money – although I soon returned it because the project paid off. Later, for greater convenience and reliability for the user, we became partners with banks with a fairly large portfolio. In the future, in terms of large-scale projects, we do not exclude cooperation with international organizations.
What is the best opportunity for your business today?
The opportunity to create products and services of such quality will make the investment and business environment in Georgia even more attractive from the point of view of real estate. Also, a cozy living environment is created for all residents.
What systemic solutions or reforms does the business environment in Georgia need?
It would be good if there were less bureaucracy in government structures.: this part takes the most time and causes certain interruptions in business activities.
What will appear on the cover of Forbes give your business?
The people appearing on the cover of Forbes, one of the most famous and authoritative economic publications in the world, have always been interesting role models for me. I honestly want to tell you that I even had a dream one day to be among them. Therefore, for me personally, this is the status I have been striving for so far, and I want to thank you for this opportunity. From the company’s point of view, this undoubtedly emphasizes reliability and quality.
To summarize our conversation: how easy is it to predict and plan in today’s global situation?
Not just something that exceeds your capabilities. Recent world events, a pandemic crisis, or a war between neighboring countries create difficulties, however, if the company correctly perceives and evaluates events, you find a way not to stop, but on the contrary, to support the economic growth of the country with your work.
And finally, tell us about the future plans that both your customers and competitors are waiting for…
Our main goal remains the development of Old Tbilisi, although we are constantly facing new challenges, and I do not rule out that soon, we will go beyond the capital.