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Home is a place that has a special place in the life of each of us. The pandemic has radically changed our lifestyle. After a socially active life, most of us had to change our usual lifestyle and live with a completely different routine, nowadays we have to spend a lot of time at home, therefore the world’s leading interior designers point out that in the modern world, comfort is becoming priority and trend.
What is the combination of tasteful design and comfort?
It is desirable to allocate a working corner (imitation of an office) or the so-called ZOOM friendly space. Use chestnut wood details, warm colors, bookshelves, less massive furniture and more aged, vintage items.
Regarding decorations, leading designers say that:
Wall decorative paintings become more relevant and dominant. Since we have to spend more time at home, it is desirable to make the walls more interesting, therefore – to leave less empty space. For this we will need things that will fill the void and make the environment more interesting. According to designers, 2021 belongs to artists, so it is necessary to devote more time and energy to decorations, which will give a more effective visual of the environment. It is important to use warm tones of wood, cinnamon and orange colors, which make the room more attractive.
Synthesis of old and new is still in fashion!
Move the furniture around the rooms, uncover items that you’ve been keeping that have a specific history or significance to you. The pandemic has taught us that the place where we live should be practical and functional, and at the same time everything should be tailored to our needs.